
Further analysis into Steam Reviews to Sales ratio – how to estimate video game sales

I recently wrote an article on how to estimate Steam game sales using an updated Boxleiter method or steam reviews to sales ratio.

This article explores the Steam reviews to sales ratio further.

There is a strong correlation between how many reviews a game gets and how many units they’ve sold. However, this ratio does depend on other factors – game’s release year, popularity and even price.

For example, a game with 100,000 units sold might have 1,000 reviews on steam. The ratio would therefore be 100,000 / 1,000 = 100.

We know that the ratio varies based on when the game was released – it’s come down from c. 90x about 7-8 years ago to c. 30x today. This article lays out how the Boxleiter ratio changes based on other factors:


Valheim’s Hearth & Home update in numbers and graphs

This article looks at Valheim’s long waited update – Hearth & Home and its impact to new and old players.

We’ve previously talked about what led to Valheim’s success during launch. This is more an update what’s happened since.

In short, Valheim’s Hearth & Home update brings back some old players, but doesn’t expand the player base.


Indie games make up 40% of all units sold on Steam

This mini-article looks at how important indie games are to the Steam ecosystem. We’ll dig into the distribution of Steam games based on publisher types.

The aim is to show what proportion of Steam games, unit sales and active players can be accounted to indie games VS large development studios.


How to Estimate Steam Video Game Sales?

This article lays out a way of estimating how many units any Steam game has sold. It will provide a right range for the majority of games.

We are using an advanced version of what’s been known as the Boxleiter method or the NB number – estimating Steam game units sold using the number of reviews they’ve got.

For example, a game with 100,000 units sold might have 1,000 reviews on steam. The ratio would therefore be 100,000 / 1,000 = 100.

We’re using the largest dataset to date for this analysis with over 10,000 video games’ review to sales ratios analysed.

We will cover how good of a measure total number of Steam reviews are for total sales. We will then explore how this has changed over time and which multiples to use depending on the game’s release date. Finally, we will demonstrate how accurate these estimates are.

Keep reading to find out the exact multiples to use.


How to Price a Video Game?

You’ll get most out of this guide if you’re keen to learn more about pricing a video game and are open to mixing data with intuition.

Finding the right price for a game can make a huge impact to the game’s financial success. This article is a guide for indie developers on how to think about pricing and how to use the VG Insights pricing tool to help and find the right price for your game.

At the end of this article, you’ll be in a much better place to choose the right price for your game.


How to pick your next game to play?

There are now over 10,000 new games on Steam every year and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a game to play, especially if it’s an indie game you’re after.

There are many ways to figure out which game to play next. This article by makeuseof captures most of them. You can also just use the Steam store search to find new games. However, we believe that our free Steam data platform can actually be even better for game discoverability.


Infographic: COVID Impact on Steam Game Releases

We’ve recenlty looked into COVID impact on Steam game releases. We noticed a significant trend for both indie as well as AAA and AA games and have summarised it in the infographic below.

COVID impact on indie and AAA Steam games - by VG Insights
COVID impact on Steam games – indie and AAA

The above data was gathered through Steam API by using the Video Game Insights platform.


Questions that every indie developer should ask

What are the important business questions that every indie game dev should ask themselves?

Developers who jump into the next game without thinking it through are much more likely to fail, not generate significant revenue and, often not even finish their game.

This article covers a set of questions that every indie developer should think about before, during and after making their game.


VG Insights Features Demo and Free Trial Account Giveaway

On Wednesday, 26th May, we’re planning on doing a Discord live event to talk about VG Insights, it’s features and video games market research in general.

We’ll hand out free trial accounts (2 week access) to all attendees for everyone to be able to test the full features of the website!


What Made the Loop Hero So Popular?

Loop Hero‘s been out barely a week as I’m writing this article. Yet, it’s sold over 500,000 units on Steam already according to Rock Paper Shotgun!

Loop Hero (Steam page) is only one of many indies that have achieved considerable and unforseen success. Fall Guys, Among Us and Valheim have all wildly overachieved the developers’ dreams. You can read more about Fall Guys‘ and Valheim‘s success in the other VG Insights articles.

This article explores the reasons behind Loop Hero’s success and what other indie decelopers could learn from it.

Loop Hero Screenshot