
New and Improved Filters

We have revamped our filter system by adding include/exclude options and a search bar

We have revamped our filter system, making it easier to use and improving its functionality.

Filters are available on many pages, from Steam Analytics to Games Database and can help you narrow down a list of games or companies to look at. We’ve long had an extensive list of filters to choose from, but we’ve now made it even more powerful to use.

Include / Exclude Filters

You can now include as well as exclude characteristics in filters. For example, you might want to see all 4x games, but exclude any turn-based games, leaving only real time 4x games in the list.

Search for Filters

Some of our filters had tens if not hundreds of options to choose from. We have now added a search bar to make it easier to look for the particular item you’re interested in. For example, you can now find all the RPG tags with ease.